Experts in the installation and assembly / construction of aerial and underground electrical systems for industrial, institutional and commercial facilities. We also offer power services and power line installation for residential projects or large scale highways. No job is too big for us.
Our highly trained team of professionals are focused on safety and getting the job done with excellence. They are skilled in the installation and setup of electrical systems for industrial, institutional and commercial facilities as well as residential electric systems or highways. These power services are often the perfect counterpart / complement to our mechanical services. Our teams work together to provide our clients better coordination, more cost efficiency and shorter project cycles.
The Electrical Division can assist you with the following services:

Industrial, institutional
and commercial facilities:
Site underground work
Electrical power wiring
Equipment installation and repair
High voltage substation installation
Residential Electrical Systems and Power Lines
BLDM SI: Commercial Renewable Energy (Eolic & Solar power).
Photovoltaic Installations
Site underground work
Electrical wiring for house interiors and power distribution
Equipment installation and repair
Communication wiring (intelligent housing)
Housing & apartment’s high voltage substation installation

Highways and Geometric Improvements:
Street illumination or illumination for adjacent / nearby areas
Traffic signal systems
Geometric improvements
Switchyards and substations
Installation of transmission and distribution electrical systems